Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Alan Dershowitz is an Ass

I can say that here, thank god. It feels good to get it out. Above is a link to a recent diatribe he published on the Huffington Post. And here is the comment I wrote in response:

Mr. Dershowitz has anticipated his critics and has done what any good pundit does, dismissed them preemptively as hateful lunatics. By suggesting that his polemic will lead "the worst anti-Israel and anti-Semitic bigots to crawl out from under their rocks," he is categorizing anyone who might have a slightly more levelheaded criticism of his viewpoints along with the basest of scum.

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you Mr. Dershowitz. I am neither anti-Israel nor anti-Semitic. I do not deny Israel's right to exist as a sovereign nation, but I do deny its right to murder innocents and to treat Palestinians as subhuman, just as I deny Palestinian terrorists' rights to murder innocent Israelis, and Iran's right to nuke anyone.

Perhaps you might take the time and, utilizing your sizable intellect, ponder what an Israeli strike on Iran might precipitate. Certainly, if Iran and Israel existed in a vacuum, a preemptive strike might be seen as a rational move. They do not, however, and such a move, in the present climate, could make a hopeless situation that much worse. The tipping point is dangerously near in the Middle East and you are suggesting the international community should sit back and allow Israel to hasten its arrival. You, sir, are an ass! (ok, so that last part I added in later)


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